Young adult organizing documents

Digital Certification of Trade Documents

essCert is the leading solution for electronic governmental and quasi-governmental certification of trade documents such as Preferential and Non-Preferential electronic Certificates of Origin (eCOs), EUR.1,ATR.1, EU / EC Certificates of Origin, Arab-Irish Certificates, USP Form A and many more, along with relevant supporting documents such as Commercial Invoices.

Required Documentation

An undertaking of indemnification is needed with respect to the information provided by the company – this must be renewed at least every 2 years.

The applicant company agrees to abide by standard rules and indemnifies the chamber against inaccuracy of documents or misleading information.

An indemnity form must be completed on the company’s headed notepaper and it must be signed by an authorised officer or legal representative of the company.

The applicant company should advise Cootehill Chamber (by letter on headed notepaper) of the names of staff members who will be authorised to sign applications for Certificates of Origin.  The applicant company should keep Cootehill Chamber updated as to any changes in authorised signatories.

Chambers can only certify documentation for companies that have a registered office in the Republic of Ireland. A Chamber may request evidence of incorporation from the applicant company.

Copyright © 2024 Cootehill Chamber

Created by Khai Woods with ♥

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